The Most


Web3 Data


Intelligent Trading Tools

  • Spread Analysis, and Arbitrage Tools

    Get the prices of different tokens and trading pairs from multi-chain DEXes, deliver real-time spread analysis, and facilitate arbitrage trading.

  • Intelligent Trading Search Engine

    Enable comprehensive analysis of specific trading pairs, order book display, and big orders besides OHLC. Enable long-tail asset analysis to offer users more investment opportunities.

  • Customized Search Tool and Recommendations

    Filter protocol and dApp products according to user preferences (risk tolerance, categories, etc.).

  • Attack Alert

    Track and analyze on-chain token statistics with programming methods to offer protocols and users with real-time alerts about potential hackers and attacks, which can help users track and recover losses.

  • Income-driven Data Derivatives:

    Multi-chain Smart Farming

    Cross-chain “first-to-farm” access offers real-time access to the new farming pools and cross-chains enabled.

    Powerful search engine for farming pools with customized filters such as token, APY, farming cycle, risk factor, etc.

  • Income-driven Data Derivatives:

    Optimizing Farming Tool

    • Automatically allocate funds into different farming pools with an intelligent algorithm to bring the maximum APY to users.

    • Monitor the statistics to filter out the risky farming pools, 24/7 real-time.

    • Auto reinvestment options.

Spread Analysis, and Arbitrage Tools

Get the prices of different tokens and trading pairs from multi-chain DEXes, deliver real-time spread analysis, and facilitate arbitrage trading.

Intelligent Trading Search Engine

Enable comprehensive analysis of specific trading pairs, order book display, and big orders besides OHLC. Enable long-tail asset analysis to offer users more investment opportunities.

Customized Search Tool and Recommendations

Filter protocol and dApp products according to user preferences (risk tolerance, categories, etc.).

Attack Alert

Track and analyze on-chain token statistics with programming methods to offer protocols and users with real-time alerts about potential hackers and attacks, which can help users track and recover losses.

Multi-chain Smart Farming

Cross-chain “first-to-farm” access offers real-time access to the new farming pools and cross-chains enabled. Powerful search engine for farming pools with customized filters such as token, APY, farming cycle, risk factor, etc.

Optimizing Farming Tool

• Automatically allocate funds into different farming pools with an intelligent algorithm to bring the maximum APY to users. • Monitor the statistics to filter out the risky farming pools, 24/7 real-time. • Auto reinvestment options.

Open-source Data Network

Dexbrowser is a data-powered, community-governed, shared management platform.


Community members can set up their own data profile, such as DEX metrics, NFT floor price, new arbitrage opportunity, etc., and the results are visualised as charts. All the analysis is shared on the Dexbrowser platform.

BRO Token Model

The BRO token facilitates ecosystem governance and is used for other platform functions.

  • Stake BRO

    BRO is the native asset in the Dexbrowser ecosystem and users need to stake BRO to gain access to certain services.

  • Exclusive NFTs

    BRO token holders can have access to exclusive NFTs which give VIP privileges, such as smart arbitrage, optimized farming, etc.

  • DexBrowser Ecosystem

    Bro holders can participate in the governance of the ecosystem. They can decide the fees structures, new farming pools, new swaps, etc.

  • Earn BRO

    Users can earn BRO token via farming, providing data, developing new data-driven products, etc. Also, all revenue of the platform will be used to buy back and burn BRO.

In The News

Fight for BRO Duke NFT on BNB and Win Grand Prizes!

5 Types of NFTs Up for Grabs!We are thrilled to announce the Dexbrowser NFT Collection event, featuring the exciting car...

June 05, 2023 / Read More

Dexbrowser Monthly Report (March & April, 2023)

March and April were significant and bustling months for us, with a variety of exciting events focusing on NFT.We extend...

May 17, 2023 / Read More

Dexbrowser Monthly Report (February, 2023)

As we wrap up another successful month at Dexbrowser, we want to express our gratitude for the continued support of our ...

March 15, 2023 / Read More

Dexbrowser Bi-Weekly Report (January 1st — January 15th, 2023)

Dexbrowser in the new year!We are now getting into the new year, and as we all know, this is the time of year when plans...

January 24, 2023 / Read More

Dexbrowser Bi-Weekly Report (December 16th — December 31st, 2022)

A brief recap of 2022As we come to the end of 2022, Dexbrowser would like to take this opportunity to thank our communit...

January 02, 2023 / Read More

Dexbrowser Bi-Weekly Report (December 1st — December 15th, 2022)

First of all, we want to say a big thank you to everyone that has been with Dexbrowser so far — we’ve been blown away by...

December 23, 2022 / Read More

Dexbrowser Bi-Weekly Report (November 16 — November 30, 2022)

As we move into the final month of the year, Dexbrowser continues to grow and improve. We have made a lot of progress th...

December 06, 2022 / Read More

Join the 3rd DexBrowser x MEXC AirDrop!

The third Dexbrowser $BRO token Airdrop for MEXC account holders is coming! ️Join now and get the rewards!Please fill o...

December 02, 2022 / Read More

Dexbrowser Bi-Weekly Report (November 1st — November 15, 2022)

As we progress into the final quarter of 2022, Dexbrowser is continuing to make impressive growth across all areas of de...

November 18, 2022 / Read More

Dexbrowser Bi-Weekly Report (October 16— October 31, 2022)

Since the beginning of the year, our team has been focused on bringing the vision of Dexbrowser to life through consiste...

November 08, 2022 / Read More



Road Map

  • 6/2021 - 2/2022

    • Data acquisition, aggregation, analysis, and intelligent strategies based on Fantom

    • Price aggregation and arbitrage

    • Virtualized tools, trading pairs browser, trend chart and other tools

  • 2/2022 - 3/2022

    • Farming explorer with a recent farming transaction table, stake amount graph, and APY calculation

  • 4/2022 - 5/2022

    • Provide price comparisons between multiple DEX and CEX and multiple price lines.

    • Dexbrowser Mobile/Lite has home page support

    • Active price alerts for specific pairs

  • 5/2022 -6/2022

    • Dex page and token on mobile

    • Public APIs offering and related documentation.

  • 7/2022 -8/2022

    • Arbitrage utility on the browser with:

    ▷ Grid trading simulator

    ▷ Triangle hedge arbitrage

    ▷ Multi-platform hedge arbitrage utility

    ▷ Multi-platform price difference arbitrage utility

    • Active address alert track with custom thresholds and paid subscriptions for APIs.

  • 6/2021 - 2/2022
  • 2/2022 - 3/2022
  • 4/2022 - 5/2022
  • 5/2022 -6/2022
  • 7/2022 -8/2022
  • • Data acquisition, aggregation, analysis, and intelligent strategies based on Fantom

    • Price aggregation and arbitrage

    • Virtualized tools, trading pairs browser, trend chart and other tools

  • • Farming explorer with a recent farming transaction table, stake amount graph, and APY calculation

  • • Provide price comparisons between multiple DEX and CEX and multiple price lines.

    • Dexbrowser Mobile/Lite has home page support

    • Active price alerts for specific pairs

  • • Dex page and token on mobile

    • Public APIs offering and related documentation.

  • • Arbitrage utility on the browser with:

    ▷ Grid trading simulator

    ▷ Triangle hedge arbitrage

    ▷ Multi-platform hedge arbitrage utility

    ▷ Multi-platform price difference arbitrage utility

    • Active address alert track with custom thresholds and paid subscriptions for APIs.

Strategic Partners